Volume 5, Number 22 • November 15, 2011 • www.agrm.org        



Early registration begins for 2012 AGRM convention

Are you ready for AGRM’s 99th Annual Convention? Ready or not, it’s time for early registration for this big event, which will be held May 20–23, 2012 at the Rosen Centre Hotel in Orlando. Look for the early-bird brochure in the center of the November/December issue of Rescue magazine, or take a peek right now online

This year’s convention offers plenty of opportunities to hear outstanding speakers, catch up on all the latest happenings with the association, enjoy valuable educational seminars presented by your peers and other professionals, and make valuable connections with AGRM business members and other vendors in the exhibit hall. And of course, we’ve set aside plenty of time for you to get away and play in the fun city of Orlando.

Early-bird registration—which offers a $30-per-person savings over the next-available rate—runs from today through December 15. You can download the registration form and fax or mail in your registration, or you can register online.

AGRM elections coming in December

If you voted in local elections over the past couple weeks, you’ve done your civic duty. Now it’s time to do your “association duty” by voting in AGRM elections. Every individual member and associate member can expect an emailed ballot in early December. Members in the Mideast, Midwest, and Southern districts will get a ballot to elect district officers, a board representative, and a board member-at-large. Members in the other districts will receive only the member-at-large ballot. Be watching, and be sure to participate in your association by voting. If you have any questions, please contact Executive Assistant Lily Wright.

Invisible Neighbors materials being shipped daily

We still hear from AGRM members wondering, “When will Invisible Neighbors will be available?” If you’ve been asking that question, you’ll be glad to hear that it’s available exclusively online. That's where you'll find all the information about what's in it, what it costs, what it comes with, and so forth. Now is a great time to get this unique resource into the hands of church members in your community. You can even launch your local campaign using Invisible Neighbors by adapting this sample news release. Don’t miss this great opportunity!

ACTS annual workshop to be held in Pensacola

AGRM supporting organization the Association of Christian Thrift Stores (ACTS) will hold its annual workshop January 9–11, 2012, at the Hilton Garden Inn Pensacola Airport/Medical Center in Pensacola, Florida. The annual event will feature music and devotional speakers, a thrift store tour, as well as eight workshops covering store start-ups, operation, management, production, marketing, advertising, sales, and customer relations. The event promises to be a great time of fellowship and learning from each other, and a time to be challenged and refreshed. For more information and to register, visit the ACTS website.

Looking down the street…
  • Hope Mission (Edmonton, Alberta), celebrated Thanksgiving in Canada by providing a feast for its clients. The staff and volunteers served 40 turkeys, 200 kilograms of potatoes, and 80 kilograms of vegetables. In fact, we’d love to hear reports of your mission’s Thanksgiving (U.S. or Canadian) meals. Please email a brief description to Brad Lewis.
  • The Heritage Company, an AGRM business member, was awarded the Arkansas Fundraising Professionals President’s Award. Congratulations to executive vice president Marilyn Michie and the staff of Heritage.

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Senate passes tax-credit bill for veterans

Unemployed veterans got a boost last week when the Senate overwhelmingly approved a proposal to give companies tax credits for hiring them. According to a Chicago Tribune report, the 94-1 vote on the eve of Veterans Day came as the jobless rate among Iraq and Afghanistan vets is in double digits, higher than the 9 percent national unemployment rate. The proposal would offer companies a $5,600 tax credit for hiring each veteran who has been unemployed for six months. A smaller tax credit would be offered for bringing on vets who have been jobless for a shorter time. Companies would also be offered a $9,600 tax credit for hiring out-of-work veterans with service-related disabilities. The proposal heads to the House, which is expected to give approval, possibly as early as this week.

National Hunger and Homeless Awareness Week taking place now

November 12–20 marks National Hunger and Homeless Awareness Week, which is co-sponsored by the National Coalition for the Homeless and National Student Campaign Against Hunger & Homelessness. Each year, a week before Thanksgiving, the two organizations sponsor the event, which includes a number of schools, communities, and cities participating in a nationwide effort to bring greater awareness to the problems of hunger and homelessness. Check out what organizations are doing in your area at the sponsors’ list of 2011 events.

Report suggests ways to increase charitable giving

How can nonprofits increase giving? According to a Chronicle of Philanthropy report, two scholars who study and teach fundraising at Indiana University have come up with more than 30 ideas. The ideas include:

  • Rather than just urging wealthy donors to give, suggest that billionaires promise to match donations of people with less money.
  • Encourage charities to develop productive ways to handle complaints from donors, which would reduce negative word of mouth, build trust, and provide ideas to improve fundraising operations. Charities should take a lesson from the business world, where complaining customers are a company’s biggest asset.
  • Place more fundraisers on nonprofit boards so they can educate fellow trustees about the best ways to raise money.
  • Persuade fundraisers to stop talking to donors about annual funds, capital campaigns, endowment drives, and other such insider approaches, and instead urge them to focus on what their money will accomplish.

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Most American smokers want to quit

Nearly 70 percent of U.S. adults who smoke say they want to quit, and more than half have tried in the past year. However, only about 6 percent succeeded. According to a Fox News report, about 20 percent of U.S. adults, or about 45.3 million people, still smoke, while 48.3 percent of smokers have been advised by their doctors to quit, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). While smoking rates in the U.S. are falling, CDC officials are concerned by signs that the pace of decline has slowed and are ramping up efforts to help smokers who want to quit. According to the CDC's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, only 32 percent of smokers who want to quit used any smoking cessation aid, such as nicotine patches or counseling. Other findings:

  • Only 3.2 percent of those with less than a high school education who tried to quit succeeded, while 11.4 percent of those with a college degree who tried to quit succeeded.
  • Blacks had the highest interest among any group in intention to quit smoking, but they had the lowest success rate, at 3.3 percent. They were least likely to use counseling or medication. Researchers noted that one possible reason is that blacks are three times more likely than whites to use cigarettes flavored with menthol, which masks the burn of smoking.
  • Among black smokers, 76.7 percent said they smoked menthol cigarettes, compared with 23.6 percent of whites.
  • The uninsured had the lowest success rate of just 3.6 percent, while those with private insurance had a higher rate of 7.8 percent, and people with military insurance had a success rate of more than 9 percent.
522 million people could have diabetes by 2030

The International Diabetes Federation predicts that one in 10 adults could have diabetes by 2030. According to an msnbc.com report, the diabetes advocacy group estimates that 522 million people worldwide could have diabetes in the next two decades, based on factors such as aging and demographic changes. The group expects the number of cases to jump by 90 percent even in Africa, where infectious diseases have previously been the top killer. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 346 million people worldwide currently have diabetes, with more than 80 percent of deaths occurring in developing countries. The agency projects diabetes deaths will double by 2030 and said the International Diabetes Federation's prediction was possible. A WHO spokesperson noted that the projected future rise in diabetes cases was because of aging, rather than the obesity epidemic. Most cases of diabetes are Type 2, the kind that mainly hits people in middle age, and is linked to weight gain and a sedentary lifestyle. This means that a substantial number of future diabetes cases are preventable, if individuals take the right interventions.

White teenagers more likely to abuse drugs and alcohol

Black and Asian adolescents are much less likely than their white peers to abuse or become dependent on drugs and alcohol, according to a Duke University-led study based on an unusually large sample from all 50 states. According to a Seattle Times report, the findings are based on analysis of confidential federal surveys of 72,561 adolescents ages 12 to 17 from 2005 through 2008. Among the study’s findings:

  • About 9 percent of the white teenagers in the study sample used substances in ways that indicated they had disorders, meaning abuse or dependency. That's nearly twice the percentage of blacks and nearly three times the rate for a group classified as Asian/Pacific Islander, which were mostly Asians. The prevalence of disorders was by far highest among Native Americans, at 15 percent.
  • Across all racial and ethnic groups, 37 percent reported using drugs or alcohol in the past year, and nearly 8 percent met the criteria for a substance-abuse disorder.
  • Among kids who abused illegal drugs, marijuana was the most prevalent choice, followed by prescription opioids such as oxycodone, which have passed inhalants such as glue as a means of getting high. Nearly 26 percent of the kids using marijuana had problems with abuse or dependency on the drug.

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Gourmet Guys!

The Rescue Mission of Utica (Utica, NY.) held its 19th annual Gourmet Guys to the Rescue in late October. The event featured nearly 25 food stations, each manned by local celebrity chefs. Local business leaders, restaurant owners, organization officials, and politicians served food samples to attendees. Proceeds from the event will help Rescue Mission of Utica cover the cost of food provided to the needy throughout the year. For more information, check out the Utica Observer-Dispatch report on the event.

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Tucson, Arizona: Director for Men’s Center—The Gospel Rescue Mission of Tucson, a 58-year-old mission, is currently seeking a Director for the Men’s Center with a minimum of seven years’ experience with shelter and recovery programs. The ideal candidate will be able to demonstrate very strong management skills, as well as experience with a Genesis Recovery Program in a grace-based culture and a related undergraduate or graduate degree. Ministry overview at the mission’s website. Competitive salary, health insurance, and retirement benefits. Please submit résumé by email to Human Resource Manager Erin Jaurigue and to Director of Programs Steve Trost. Added 11/15/2011

Colorado Springs, Colorado: Supportive Family Services Director—Springs Rescue Mission, Colorado Springs, Colorado, is seeking a Supportive Family Services Director to lead and develop new family ministry program. Details available at the mission’s website. Added 11/15/2011

Sioux City, Iowa: Chaplain—The Gospel Mission has an opening for a full- or part-time chaplain. Email inquiries to Harold Youtzy Jr. Added 11/15/2011

North Hollywood, California: Director, San Fernando Valley Rescue Mission—The Rescue Mission Alliance (RMA) is a Christian nonprofit organization that has been serving the less-fortunate in Southern California through emergency and long-term rehabilitation services for more than 39 years. RMA partners with local churches to meet the spiritual needs of the people we serve. The San Fernando Valley Rescue Mission (SFVRM) is a vital part of RMA that offers emergency shelter and homeless outreach to families, as well as a men’s drug and alcohol recovery program. The Director will launch programs and staffing for our new 12,000-sqaure-foot resident Family Shelter and a Men’s Addiction Recovery program, as well as direct the existing shelter and ministry for homeless families and homeless individuals in the community. This is a full-time, exempt position located at the San Fernando Valley Rescue Mission in North Hollywood, California. Compensation is commensurate with skills and experience, and includes benefits. This position will oversee a growing ministry to the hungry, homeless, and addicted in the San Fernando Valley. It will involve communicating to individuals, churches, civic groups, and other organizations to solicit financial and volunteer support, and educate the community regarding our ministry. Desired qualifications include a bachelor’s degree in a related field plus a minimum of five years of ministry, management, and nonprofit experience. Must be a committed Christian with exemplary character and a proven ability to lead, initiate, problem-solve, disciple, and pray for clients. Strong writing, computer, and administrative skills are a must. Please email your cover letter and résumé, or fax them to (805) 385-4126 with a cover page indicating the position you are interested in applying for. If you submit your information through the mission’s website, you will receive an email confirming it was received. The mission is unable to send confirmation that faxes were received. No phone calls, please. Please visit the mission’s website to view all current employment opportunities. Added 11/15/2011

North Hollywood, California: Capital Campaign Director—Works with the board/advisory council to secure funds to meet $4 to $5 million budget, organizes events to cast the vision for the project. Full-time exempt (two to three years) position with benefits. Committed Christian, B.A. in related field, two or more years of professional-level experience, valid CDL, excellent written and verbal communication, public speaking, computer literate, Raiser’s Edge experience a plus. Email résumé and cover letter to or fax to (805) 385-4126. Added 11/1/2011

To advertise in future Market Street Classifieds:
Members of AGRM can place a 30-word classified ad listing available positions in two consecutive issues of Street Smart at no charge; additional words will be charged at 50 cents per word. Non-members can place an ad for $25 per issue for a 30-word ad; additional words will be charged at 50 cents per word. AGRM members can renew ads after the second placement at $15 per issue for a 30-word ad. Ads are also placed on the AGRM website. Members can also sponsor Street Smart for $350 per issue. Email desired ad placement to
Brad Lewis (subject line: Street Smart advertising). Ads are subject to editing to conform to Street Smart style, and AGRM reserves the right to reject any ads or sponsorships it deems inappropriate for members. All ads are due one week before issue date. 

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Giving Thanks

As we rapidly approach the Thanksgiving holiday in the U.S., I’m reminded that true happiness isn’t found in our money, possessions, toys, or anything else we might have. Truly, happiness is a byproduct of gratitude, and thankful people are cheerful people. Instead of complaining about what we lack, maybe we should thank God for what we have.

Indeed, no human has ever found lasting joy by acquiring material things. Jesus said, “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions” (Luke 12:15).

Whenever we start pouting about what we don’t have, may we look at all the benefits God has given us. May we not develop what someone has rightly called a case of “ingrown eyeballs.” At all costs, may we not fall into the trap of self-pity.

Genuine and loving concern for others—with a thankful heart—is a great cure for unhappiness and depression. May we all have a most blessed Thanksgiving season.

Contributed by Dave Scholl, director of Galesburg Rescue Mission and Women’s Shelter (Galesburg, Ill.). Reprinted with permission from the Heart-Line News newsletter.

To contribute: If you would like to write a devotional thought for "Street Light," please make it about 200 words and include at least one Bible verse or passage, and submit via email.           

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Is something unique and exciting going on at your mission? Share your news with fellow AGRM members by emailing items for "Our Street" to Brad Lewis
AGRM is a nonprofit organization committed to furthering rescue missions. AGRM provides limited space in "Market Street" for advertising opportunities, services, and products to advance the cause of rescue missions. AGRM is not responsible for the claims made by its advertisers and reserves the right to select or reject any advertising, in the sole discretion of AGRM, for any or no reason.  
PRIVACY: Protecting your privacy is very important to us at AGRM. We will not rent, sell, or exchange your e-mail address with a third party for any purpose.

All Scripture quotations taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION, unless otherwise noted. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers.

Street Smart is sent to you as a member service of AGRM. The content does not necessarily represent the views of or imply endorsement by AGRM. To submit items for publication, e-mail editor@agrm.org. To unsubscribe, email unsubscribe@agrm.org.             

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