Member Spotlight

City Rescue Mission

It's #MembershipMonday at #CitygateNetwork and we're highlighting the great work our member missions do every day, like City Rescue Mission in New Castle, Pennsylvania. Check them out at right now!

In Their Words

CN: What is something happening at your mission that you are most grateful for?

City Rescue Mission: The City Rescue Mission is most grateful that since 1911, God continues to provide His protection and guidance in the Mission being a bright light of hope for our struggling neighbors in our community. As programs change over the years, the core values of the Mission: loving all who walk in our doors, providing them grace as well as extending mercy, serving with compassion and restoring hope that is only found in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, have not. Thank God that broken people continue to be transformed at the City Rescue Mission by the hope in Christ as our community observes our Christian witness we provide to the City of New Castle and surrounding communities.

CN: What is something you are looking forward to and/or praying for?

City Rescue Mission: The City Rescue Mission is always looking for ways that our staff can come together for times of worship and praise. Starting on October 11, 2023, we have begun having a weekly staff chapel service in addition to our daily chapel that is for staff and guests. We are praying that God would use these staff chapel services to encourage us to serve as the hands and feet of Jesus daily and bring us closer as brothers and sisters in Christ.

We have recently committed to expanding our case management beyond our shelters. This expansion will allow us to reach those who are on the verge of homelessness and prevent or prepare them for the coming challenges.

CN: In what ways has being a Citygate Network member been a resource to you and your team?

City Rescue Mission: Citygate Network is so much more than having access to top level education and industry hot topics. The greatest resource it provides is building relationships with other network members who serve in similar roles at other gospel rescue missions. In my role as President and CEO, I deeply appreciate the relationships that have formed over the years and that I have friends now who are a phone call away and always willing to discuss any questions I may have and provide valuable feedback.

The 300+ organizations in Citygate Network membership seek to move people in desperate situations and destitute conditions (i.e., hungry, homeless, abused, and addicted) from human suffering to human flourishing through the process of gospel-powered life transformation. If you or someone you love is in need of Christ-centered compassion and care, please visit our member locator page today to find a mission near you.

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