Member Spotlight

Astoria Rescue Mission

It's #MembershipMonday at #CitygateNetwork and we're highlighting the great work our member missions do every day, like Astoria Rescue Mission in Astoria, Oregon. Check them out at right now!

In Their Words

CN: What is something happening at your mission that you are most grateful for?

Astoria Rescue Mission : The Astoria Rescue Mission is grateful to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We are grateful that He has seen fit to use us, as He has so many missions across the USA and around the world, in the ministry of Changing Hearts and Saving Lives. We are grateful for the kindness and generosity of our donors who participate in this ministry with us.

We are grateful to witness the transformation God makes in the lives of so many, once lost, souls. Jobs acquired, families reunited, addictions overcome, peace found, lives eternally saved and God’s family growing exponentially.

We are grateful for the resources to have spent the last five years repairing the main building and effectively reestablishing a positive image in the community.

The reorganization and renewal have come about through the work of the Executive Director, Chaplain Rudy Krueger and a reinvigorated board which now includes a founding board member Chairmen, Timothy Gannaway.

We are very grateful for our Office Manager Robert Warriner, a steadfast servant. Our outreach has included a renewed working relationship with area churches in Clatsop County, Oregon and the neighboring Pacific County Washington.

Our hope is for our program of renewal, faith and growth for men will meet the needs of more as our county is filling with more and more homeless. We offer a contrast to the low barrier settings in the immediate area. We are grateful that God has asked us to give a clear, clean safe place to rest and find faith.


CN: What is something you are looking forward to and/or praying for?

Astoria Rescue Mission : We are looking forward to seeing the individuals that come through the Astoria Rescue Mission years from now and seeing how God has blessed each of them. We also look forward with great expectation of seeing all of them, with us, in the Kingdom of God.

The Astoria Rescue Mission needs a new van. Our present van has served us well but is running out of gas and exhausted.

CN: How has your involvement/engagement with Citygate Network impacted your ministry?

Astoria Rescue Mission : Citygate has been wonderful in their support of our Ministry and greatly appreciated for their thoughtfulness, ideas, and availability. Citygate is great resource for helping equip us with the tools and resources we need to serve those in our community.

The 300+ organizations in Citygate Network membership seek to move people in desperate situations and destitute conditions (i.e., hungry, homeless, abused, and addicted) from human suffering to human flourishing through the process of gospel-powered life transformation. If you or someone you love is in need of Christ-centered compassion and care, please visit our member locator page today to find a mission near you.

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