Media Innovation Competition Rules

The Citygate Network’s Media Innovation Competition showcases some of the most dynamic media content crafted by and for Citygate Network members and is an exclusive benefit available to mission/ministry and business members. 

Submissions may be developed by an in-house team or created by an outside agency, as long as they highlight the work of a Citygate Network member ministry. 

Make sure your entries meet the following rules, and be sure to review the judging criteria for further information.

Enter Now

  1. All submissions must be made using an online entry form. 
    For print publications (annual reports, general brochures, newsletters/magazines), only items produced for use in 2024 may be entered. However, annual reports created in 2025 for 2024 reporting are also eligible. Additionally, you must submit one hard copy for each of up to two printed publications and include the name of the vendor (if applicable) for each category entered. For example, one copy of the May/June 2024 issue of your newsletter, or one copy each of the March/April and May/June 2024 issues of your newsletter. Please do not submit more than two different issues published during the year.
    Photographs submitted must have been taken in 2024 (but not necessarily used in publication that year). Photographs must be related to your mission/ministry: the people you serve, methods of service, results of ministry, etc. Please include the photographer’s name and date the photo was taken. Photo submissions should be high resolution, but no larger than 3 MB. Photography must be original (not stock) and those submitting photographs must own the rights to publish the photos. You will upload the photos using an online entry form made available closer to the contest date. (You do NOT need to mail printed copies.) PLEASE self-edit and submit your best three entries only. 
    Video submissions can be submitted in two categories: (1) PSAs/Commercials (60-second duration); and (2) Extended Videos (longer than 60 seconds) produced to tell a client's story, for fundraising purposes, or to show at special event. Video entries also must have been produced in 2024.
    Social media (Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter) and websites will be judged in their current states in 2025. Please list the URL to each as indicated on an online entry form made available closer to the contest date.
  6. Missions/ministries/business partners may enter more than one piece per category but will be eligible to win only one award in that category.
  7. Judging will be completed by experts knowledgeable in their respective fields of media. Decisions of the judges will be final.
  8. All submissions must be completed online by April 15, 2025.
  9. All mail-in copies for print categories must be postmarked by April 11, 2025 in order to be eligible

Here's How to Enter:

  1. Choose your categories.

    You may submit work in the categories below:
    Newsletters | Brochures | Annual Reports | Photos | PSAs/Commercials | Extended Videos | Websites | Facebook |  Instagram

  2. Determine your budget category.

    This is not project/department budget, but total operating budget of your ministry. Please choose from one of the following: up to $4,000,000 | between $4,000,000 - $10,000,000 | more than $10,000,000

  3. Review competition rules (above) and judging criteria.

  4. Complete the online entry form.

    Use the online entry form for ALL categories by entering titles and vendor information. For print media categories, you will mail in one copy of each entry; for all other categories, you will upload digital files or enter URLs.

  5. Confirm entry submission.

    You will receive a confirmation email after successfully submitting entries through the online entry form. If for some reason you do not receive a confirmation, please email Bethany Wininger.

  6. Mail in your hard copies for judging.

    For print categories, please download, print, and mail in a hard copy of the mail-in entry form with your publications.

If you have questions, please email Bethany Wininger.