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Las Vegas Rescue Mission

Address - Map it!

480 West Bonanza Road
Las Vegas, Nevada 89106

Contact Information

Phone:    (702) 382-1766


The Las Vegas Rescue Mission strives to be the model for providing hope and change to the homeless, addicted, and others in need. We do this through feeding the hungry, sheltering the homeless, and by offering care, support, and an introduction to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. In the end, we provide redemption, recovery, and re-entry to independent living. The Mission provides services to all people without regard to race, color, creed, national origin, age, gender, religion or disability.

Founded in 1970, the Las Vegas Rescue Mission started with a small storefront building that included a chapel, kitchen, and a shelter that could house a few men. Today, the Las Vegas Rescue Mission campus takes up two city blocks in downtown Las Vegas, providing food and shelter and helping hundreds of men, women, and their children, daily. We provide approximately 26,000 meals each month to our guests, residents, and those in the Community in need.

Our facility provides the only on-demand treatment program in the Las Vegas valley. We offer a Christian-based residential addiction recovery program, taking 6-12 months, and staffed by licensed counselors and case managers. The changed lives of those who have successfully completed the Recovery program are a testament to the passion we have in making a difference here in Las Vegas. 

Our Thrift Store is an important link between the community and those in need. Donated items are given away to those less fortunate or sold at discounted rates to the public. All of the revenue generated in our Thrift Store is used to support the important programs we provide.

For more information please visit our website at 




Services Provided

Critical Care

Onsite Meals for Guests, Emergency Shelter for Men, Emergency Shelter for Women, Emergency Shelter for Men with Children, Emergency Shelter for Women with Children, Emergency Shelter for Intact Families, Food Pantry for the Public, Clothing Store/Distribution, Furniture Bank


Transitional Housing for Men, Transitional Housing for Women, Transitional Housing for Families

Residential Life-Transformation Programs

Long-Term Drug/Alcohol Recovery for Men, Long-Term Drug/Alcohol Recovery for Women

Spiritual Nurture

Chapel Services, Biblical Counseling


Case Management, Personal Mentoring

Children and Youth

Health Services

Medical Clinic, Mental Health Clinic, Mobile Health Services


Life-Skills Training

Career Advancement/Employment

Specific Career Training, Job Readiness Programs, Job Placement

Other Programs and Services

Thrift Store(s)
Daily Community Meal 5pm - 6pm, open to the public, served 365 days a year.