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Good Samaritan Mission

Address - Map it!

PO Box 1218
Jackson, Wyoming 83001-1218

Contact Information

Phone:    (307) 733-3165


Good Samaritan Mission has been quietly serving the physical, emotional and Spiritual needs of the hungry, hurting, homeless people in Teton County for over 40 years. The mission is a true part of the Jackson Hole Community. Good Samaritan Mission began in 1970 from an urging of the Holy Spirit to serve those less fortunate. Good Samaritan Mission is completely overseen by a local professional Board of Directors drawn from local businesses and professions that have a desire to serve God in this way.

Services Provided

Critical Care

Day Room for Guests, Onsite Meals for Guests, Emergency Shelter for Men, Emergency Shelter for Women, Food Pantry for the Public


Transitional Housing for Women

Residential Life-Transformation Programs

Long-Term Drug/Alcohol Recovery for Men, Long-Term Drug/Alcohol Recovery for Women

Spiritual Nurture

Chapel Services


Case Management

Children and Youth

Health Services


Career Advancement/Employment

Other Programs and Services

Jail and Prison Ministry