Actually, we are NOT basing ourselves at a Washington, D.C. hotel this year. The reason is that hotels and B&Bs in the heart of Washington continue to increase their rates and can be quite expensive. Our meetings will be held in the Capitol Visitor Center (First Street NE) and two other meeting locations (details to follow).

For overnight accommodations, we are suggesting that members find their own best deal for a hotel in downtown Washington, D.C., or in the suburbs, then take a ride share or public transportation to the meeting sites (which is what Capitol Hill staffers do every day). Just be mindful of the commute times. Renting a car and paying for parking downtown, in addition to making lateness a probability, could end up costing you the difference between a cheaper hotel further out and something near the Capitol.
Having you book your own accommodations allows you to stay within your budget by possibly using points or coupons that you might have with a particular chain, or even stay with relatives or friends in the area. Hotels.com shows that there are plenty of places outside (and even inside) the Beltway for under $200 per night. There are some options closer to the Capitol for under $300.
Let Citygate Network know if you have questions about accommodations. Text or call Lisa Miller at 719-331-3686. Also, you might want to let your peers know on Citygate Network’s connect group list if you’ve found a good deal and additional rooms are available.