


The 2024 Annual Conference and Exposition

June 11 – 14, 2024

… for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. – 1 John 5:4


Citygate Network member ministries all over North America serve individuals facing destitute conditions and desperate situations. Sometimes life circumstances have blindsided your guests, while for others the challenges have come as a result of poor training, conditioning, and choices. Either way, they’ve pulled up lame, sidelined by the physical, mental, and emotional injuries sustained since leaving the starting gate. Failure, discouragement, and defeat have forced them off the track.

But, when you extend a hand in Jesus’ name, and offer glimmers of grace, hope, healing, and redemption, you witness many of these individuals rising to stand again, against all odds. You participate in empowering the lame to walk, and even run again. You rejoice when sin gets defeated because of trusting Christ.

Isn’t that why you do what you do?

This year’s conference program will offer your staff and leaders a plethora of opportunities to strengthen and develop in the roles you fill as advocates for the valiant individuals you come alongside every day. We hope that you’ll leave feeling new strength, fresh energy, and renewed vision for empowering your guests to finish the race, against all odds.

Make sure you’ve marked the dates on your calendar for the June 11–14, 2024, Annual Conference and Exposition in the Bluegrass state!