2023 DC Forum


DC Forum Registration

Citygate Network has been doing a DC Forum for the past decade—and none have been more important to attend than this one. There are several reasons for this, like a new Congress with appointments to key positions, a pendulum swing with the general public regarding some major government programs, and new legislation being formulated.

Our DC Forum will start with dinner on Monday night, March 27. Following will be two key presentations to set the course of our time together. The next day will include multiple meetings in different locations, all addressing topics of importance to residential life-transformation ministries. The final day will be spent on Capitol Hill in the offices of Senate and House lawmakers, earnestly conveying our appreciation and/or concerns regarding certain bills and initiatives. This event will be eye-opening and invigorating for anyone attending.

Speaking of attending, the DC Forum is open to CEOs, COOs, government relations or public relations staff, and any others who are engaged in or captivated by the dealings of government. The first person from a member organization pays full price ($449). Additional staff from the same member organization can then attend at a discount ($409).