b'Paul is the executive director of River of Life Mission in Honolulu, Hawaii. Paul was born in Papua New Guinea as the son of Wycliffe missionary parents, preparing him for the jungles of life. Paul spent much of his career pastoring in the church, but a lifechanging experience with a man named Willy, who was living on the streets of San Francisco, thrust Paul into a life of serving people struggling in the isolation of the streets. Paul is leading a charge in Hawaii and beyond that the solution to homelessness is family, and that requires making every effort to reconnect people to blood family. We are also constantly talking toI think what I go back to most, others about how we can do thingseven in the learning within the adven-differently and better. We are talkingture, is that Jesus had the innate ability to leaders, churches, and our ownto embrace everyone and stay in con-peers and friends. Change comesversations until something changed. from conversation. And we are hav- I am learning to do the same, to We will never stoping lots of conversations right now.embrace everyone and stay in the con-Lastly, we will never stop celebrat- versations until something changes. celebrating: celebratinging: celebrating the thrill of a victory,We are so excited to be here in Hawaii the thrill of a victory,and even the agony of defeat. Weand living in this season of adjustment have made a choice to celebrate it all,and analysis and celebrating all God is and even the agony ofbecause that is what that small teamdoing. We hope you will be encour-defeat. We have madearound Jesus did from day one. Theyaged from across the other pond to do embraced it all, they embracedthe same. God is constantly sending a choice to celebrate iteveryone who came into their path,waves your way; paddle in and see all and they stayed in conversationsHe has on the adventurous and glori-all, because that is whatuntil the victory was had. ous ride of caring for people in need. \x03 that small team around Jesus did from day one. They embraced it all, they embraced everyone who came into their path, and they stayed in conversations untilthe victory was had.Photos courtesy of River of Life Mission48 WWW.CITYGATENETWORK.ORG NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022'