www.citygatenetwork.org Name First Name (for badge) Mission/Organization Address City State/Province ZIP/Postal Code Phone Email I am: attending my first conference an Emerging Leader (20s and 30s) a vegetarian gluten free Check the ONE Professional Network that comes closest to describing your primary involvement with life-transformation ministry. FULLTIME PROGRAM FEES Register early and save! Faxed or completed online Dec. 20–Mar. 15 Mar. 16–May 15 After May 15 Your fees 1st Person $519 $549 $579 $ 2nd Person (from same mission/organization) $509 $539 $569 $ 3rd Person (from same mission/organization) $499 $529 $559 $ 4th Person (and more) $489 $519 $549 $ PARTTIME PROGRAM FEES Monday, June 3 Includes district event, general session with dinner, and Exhibit Hall with dessert. $109 $ Tuesday, June 4 Includes two general sessions, two seminars, professional networking lunch, dinner, and Exhibit Hall with dessert. $219 $ Wednesday, June 5 Includes one general session, two seminars, Exhibit Hall with lunch, and comedy evening. $169 $ Thursday, June 6 Includes seminar and general session with brunch. $89 $ Spouse Sampler See details (right). $309 $ OPTIONAL PROGRAM FEES L.A./Skid Row Experience Includes Saturday dinner, Sunday lunch and dinner, two mission tours, Skid Row tour, and transportation to Palm Springs. Saturday, June 1, 3:00 p.m. to Sunday, June 2, 8:15 p.m. $149 $ Exodus Exhortations Includes materials and lunch. Monday, June 3, 8:30 a.m. – 2:10 p.m. Moses: Leading a Movement Miracles: Serving Clients with a Deeper Understanding Manna: Sharing the Vision to Expand Your Reach $104 $ Enter Here, Start Anew: A Revival Experience for CEOs Includes materials and lunch. Monday, June 3, 8:30 a.m. – 2:15 p.m. $104 $ Women’s Leadership Poolside Reception Includes light hors d’oeuvres. Tuesday, June 4, 5:00 p.m. – 5:45 p.m. $30 $ Coachella Valley Rescue Mission Tour Includes tour and dinner. Wednesday, June 5, 3:30 p.m. – 7:15 p.m. $37 $ Total $ + Those not affiliated with a Citygate Network member organization, add 40% $ Amount Enclosed $ Check Enclosed (Make check payable to Citygate Network; enclose total amount; manual registrations with checks must be received by the stated deadlines to qualify for discounts.) Credit Card Card Number Exp. Date Cardholder Name CVC Code Billing Address of Card (if different from above) City State/Province ZIP/Postal Code Cardholder Signature Board Executive Leadership (CEOs) Associate Leadership Financial Management Program Management Pastoral Care Case Management Counseling Addiction Specialization Youth Ministry Vocational Education Development Human Resources Volunteer Coordination Food Services Facility Management Information Technology Administrative Assistance Entrepreneurship Citygate Network 106th Annual Conference and Exposition June 3–6, 2019 Palm Springs Convention Center 277 N. Avenida Caballeros Palm Springs, CA 92262 Register online at www.citygatenetwork.org Online registration not available for non-members. QUESTIONS? Call us at (719) 2668300. Mail to: Citygate Network 2153 Chuckwagon Road, Suite 100 Colorado Springs, CO 80919 Fax to: (719) 266-8600 Conference Registration Details The rates shown apply to individual and associ- ate members and their spouses, plus any other board and staff members of member missions. All registration fees are always transferable to a previously unregistered guest from a member mission. Any registration changes or additions after May 17 must be made on-site at the Palm Springs Convention Center. Registrations can- celed before April 30 will be assessed a $75 can- cellation fee per person. If canceled after April 30, they will be assessed a $150 cancellation fee per person. Only in cases of family emergencies might the cancellation fee be waived. All refund requests must be in writing and received by Citygate Network no later than Friday, June 28, 2019. Spouse Sampler Citygate Network is again offering a spouse rate this year that includes: (1) general sessions and associated meals; and (2) Exhibit Hall pass and meals. It is only for spouses who are NOT work- ing full-time at a member mission. Seminars, including those with meals, and other sessions are NOT included. Hotel Reservations Details To book your room at the Renaissance Palm Springs Hotel ($135/night single/double) or Hilton Palm Springs Hotel ($125/night single/double), visit www.citygatenetwork.org/2019hotel. State and local taxes apply. 1. Hotel reservations require a non-refundable first-night charge. Carefully evaluate your anticipated hotel room usage to avoid can- cellation penalties. 2. Conference attendees not staying at the Renaissance Palm Springs Hotel or Hilton Palm Springs Hotel, and those who made their reservations through an online dis- counter/consolidator, may be assessed an $80 or more convention facility usage fee, payable upon check-in at the Citygate Network Registration/Information Desk. REGISTER TODAY! Please print one name per form. Photocopy as needed. I M P O R T A N T