b'The core of our missions resiliency is our faith in Christ. easier for us to move forward in the crisis.To begin with, here are emergencies your Areas to consider in this section include:response plan should include:crisis communication timeline and mechanical systems failure checklist HVAC failuresample media releases of different electricity outage crises you might have water and sewer problemssample media briefings agenda life safety systems (fire suppression system,sample staff briefings agendaalarms, emergency lighting) failuressample talking points IT system failure Scope of the crisis communication plan: The security system (camera and door lock) failures size and scope of your communication plan natural gas supply failure will vary depending on your investment of backup generator failure time and resources into this work. The size tornado, hurricane, severe storms of your ministry and the environmental threats your ministry faces will guide you on fire (wildfire and structure fire) what is required for a solid communication terrorist threat in your community plan. For your reference, MTMs crisis com-civil unrest incidents munication plan has 23 pages, most of which bomb threats are under the Communication Checklist hostile incidents with weapons, including an section. We are considered the largest shelteractive shooter services provider in West Michigan. In 2023, we served just over 5,500 individuals floods experiencing homelessness.power outage (community-wide) Emergency response and environmental and chemical concerns management plan post-incident assessment and recovery T he emergency response and management evacuation maps of buildings (current, accurate) plan identifies and prioritizes the key haz- Depending on your community and regional loca-ards that may affect operations, and alsotion, you will have other emergencies to include or outlines preparedness and mitigation activities.exclude. This list is to help you start your strategy-This is our opportunity to use our rational mindsthinking process. I also encourage you to keep the to think through situations and document stepsplan simple, clear, and concise. Perfection is not to guide ourselves and our staff when a crisis hitsthe goal, and no matter how detailed the plan is, or when we become more emotional. unknown variables will come into play. Our goal 10 WWW.CITYGATENETWORK.ORG JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2025'