b'serious issues for an organization that places the gospel at the center of its restoration ministry. Finally, all these factorscost, behavior, beliefsconvinced us to try another way.Dedicated security staff, redefined I n light of the challenges presented by the first two approaches, KARM decided to move in the direction of hiring dedicated staff to serve as security. However, KARM went one step further and also decided that security was too narrow a descriptor of the position. Since the security staff member is often the first person a guest encoun-ters as they come in the door, they often have the best chance to minister to guests, treating them with dignity and respect. They have the opportu-nity to portray grace and understanding, while also ensuring the safety of some of our most vulnerable neighbors. Therefore, this position is not a security guard anymore. At KARM, these are Guest Hospitality Team Members. questions, assisting with needswhile also To fully equip these staff members, and trulyproviding a basic safety presence.emphasize their distinction from security guards,We have retained many of the same safety stan-KARM hires them based on customer servicedards for guests, but have allowed Guest Hospitality skills, interpersonal communication abilities, andTeam Members to have responsibility for them. understanding of KARMs core values. Then theyFor example, there is a walk-through metal detector are extensively trained in de-escalation, conflictat the entrance. The team has wands they can use resolution, basic safety skills, situational aware- if a more thorough search is required, but simply ness, and trauma-informed communication skills.reminding someone to empty their pockets usually Guest Hospitality Team Members are unarmedtakes care of the issue. and wear dark blue polo shirts that readily iden- We also utilize an X-ray machine for bags and tify them but are distinct from a typical securityparcels. If something shows up on the X-ray, we guard uniform. These staff members assist guestswill hand search the bag. This was a huge invest-in multiple waysgiving directions, answeringment for us, but weve found it saves time. It also \x02 Many, if not all, missions face the same challenges to safety all resulting in serious questions about how best to address them.JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2025 WWW.CITYGATENETWORK.ORG 29'