b'document your ministrys primary andincludes emergency response partnerships alternate contact points here. This is typi- from the local hospital, ambulance, fire, cally the CEO, executive director, COO, VPand police departments. of operations, and/or VP of communica- COOP planning team: List the names, tions. You also identify and documentpositions, and contact information (phone primary, secondary, and all other locationsor email) of the leadership team building owned and operated by the mission. Thethe COOP. This team will develop a more details will include addresses, how thedetailed list of coordinating partners. For address functions (shelter, thrift store,example, we listed all the social services, training center, etc.), phone numbers, andchurches, health services, transportation, key contact names for each location. Youand government agencies we collaborate will also include a list of key emergencywith in our work. contacts for the ministry. This includes your insurance provider and electricity, gas,Potential hazards: Identify as many external and water providers. Keep in mind theseand internal hazards that could impact your are not contact names and numbers for theability to conduct your mission. Examples public; they are contacts and numbers forof external hazards include city riots, fires, true catastrophic emergencies. It alsogas leaks, and weather-related hazards. Internal hazards include active shooters, gas leaks, fires, infectious diseases, and cyber-attacks. List as many as you can think of here because this is the basis of proactively identifying your vulnerabilities. Once you understand where you are vulnerable, you can work to reduce it. Critical assets: Identify and document assets, including staff by department and role, buildings, equipment, data, supply invento-ries, and operational departments/functions. To share an example of what you would list under the data section, you would include clinics (e.g., Epic, VCM, ResidentTracker) and communications (e.g., ClickUp, Virtu-ous, RaiseDonors, Stripe). Critical operations: This will be one of the most extensive sections in your COOP. Budget time to dig in and have a productive internal debate. Here, you identify opera-tions that are critical for your survival. You answer whether your department or 12 WWW.CITYGATENETWORK.ORG JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2025'