b'here is to have a solid plan to help guide us. We areand grit from your leadership team. As a point not trying to have all the answers. of reference, Mel Trotter Ministries needed four months of regular bi-weekly meetings to build out Continuity of operations planour COOP. We found it beneficial to entrust this (COOP)process to a skilled project manager. At the very T he core of our missions resiliency is ourleast, use a project management tool like ClickUp faith in Christ. To support this resiliency,or Microsoft Planner to assign tasks, schedule we need to build out the continuity ofmeetings, and provide accountability to your team. operations plan, also known as COOP. TheThe COOP will include information such as: COOP is for use once life and safety are secure critical assets in response to disasters. Our task is to identify critical operations key resources and needs to ensure that the mission key suppliers and contractors of providing resources and support to the most vulnerable continues. This could be in a limited alternate shelter locations capacity or how we will fully recover in situationsThe COOP is based on a 13-step building process. where the disaster is catastrophic.These steps are: Just as Noah had to demonstrate dedicated gritAbout your mission: You will identify and \x02 to build the ark, the COOP will require dedication JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2025 WWW.CITYGATENETWORK.ORG 11'