b'Person: a clear leader in crisis Strong communication skills: Quick and precise E very security framework requires a desig- delivery can mean the difference between a nated person responsible for oversightcontrolled situation and a catastrophe in emer-and coordination. This key person isgencies. A point person must relay pertinent the central figure in managing routine securityinformation effectively and efficiently to staff, operations and emergencies. In critical momentsvolunteers, and participants, ensuring everyone when time is essential, a designated leaderis on the same page. reduces confusion, streamlines communication, Decisiveness under pressure: A point person and drives swift action.should be able to make quick, informed deci-The point person serves as the cornerstone ofsions even in high-pressure scenarios. Their your security efforts. Without someone at theability to remain calm and decisive can help helm, even the best-laid plans can unravel. Imagineminimize the potential for victimization and an unexpected fire breaking out or a cyberattackensure a coordinated response. compromising sensitive information. Who stepsBe sure to incorporate these practical steps for up to manage the crisis? Who ensures all protocolsestablishing a point person: are followed? Without a clear leader, chaos ensues, Selection: Identify an individual with proven time is wasted, and risks are amplified.leadership skills and experience managing A well-chosen point person should have thesecurity operations. following qualities:Experience and expertise: The individual Training: Equip them with the knowledge and should have a solid understanding of the physi- tools they need, such as crisis management cal environment (whether its an office, school,protocols, communication devices, and or mission shelter), the roles of personnel, andemergency procedures. the security systems in place. They should be Clarity: Make sure all team members know who familiar with all entry points, emergency exits,the point person is and understand their role. and security tools.Display their contact information prominently where its easily accessible. By designating one person to oversee security, you eliminate confusion during emergencies. When seconds count, having a clear leader ensures everyone knows who to turn to, leading to faster and more effective responses. Plan: a road map to safety B enjamin Franklin said, If you fail to plan, plan to fail. This holds particularly true when it comes to security. Even the most capable teams and the latest technologies will fall short without a clear, actionable security 40 WWW.CITYGATENETWORK.ORG JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2025'