b'DAYTODAY ACROSS THE STREETAllison EischerEmpower Guests for SuccessSmall practices that have a big impact A s rescue missions and life transformationare packed with healthy foods to sustain them ministries, we are committed to not onlythroughout their workday. This not only allevi-providing shelter but also empoweringates the financial burden of purchasing meals but our guests with the resources they need to succeedalso ensures that our guests receive a meal, which in their journey toward stability. Our comprehen- is crucial for physical and mental well-being. We sive approach combinescan partner with local businesses and community practical support withorganizations to get food donations, creating a personal development,collaborative effort to support those in need. ensuring that individu- 3. Graduation bags for program graduates: als have the tools andCelebrating milestones is an essential part of confidence to build aempowering our guests and keeping them moti-brighter future. Here arevated throughout their unique journey. At Mel three simple things youTrotter Ministries, we provide graduation bags can implement to maketo recent graduates of our programs. These bags a big difference in thecontain essential items such as sheets, shampoo, lives of the individualstoothpaste, and other necessities that help ease you serve:the transition into new housing. Every bag also 1. Secure personal includes a certificate of achievement and a photo belongings storage:of their case manager who walked with them on One of the first stepseach step of their journey. By recognizing our Photos courtesy of Allison Eischertoward empowerment is offering a safe andguests achievements and supporting their next secure place for guests to store their belongings.step in life, we reinforce the sense of accomplish-This service is particularly beneficial for thosement and readiness to embrace the future.who are employed or actively seeking employ- \x04 \x04 \x04 ment. By providing storage, we remove aConsider how your organization can implement significant barrier that often prevents individualssmall practices that will have a lasting impact on from attending work or interviews with peaceyour guests. By implementing these strategies, you of mind. Shelters can implement a system thatcan enhance the support systems and contribute to Allison Eischer serves as a mar allows guests to securely lock away their belong- meaningful, long-term changes in the lives of indi-keting specialist at Mel Trotter Ministries in Grand Rapids,ings, allowing them to focus on their work orviduals experiencing homelessness. At Mel Trotter Michigan. With a passion forjob search without concern for their valuables.Ministries, we are proud to share our practices and storytelling, she brings a unique2. Nutritious lunch bags for working guests:are eager to collaborate with other organizations perspective that captivates readers and inspires action to helpAnother critical component of our support sys- committed to empowering their guests. Together, make a positive impact in hertem is providing nutritious lunch bags for guestswe can create a support network that uplifts community. You can contact herparticipating in our programs. These lunch bagscommunities and transforms lives. \x03at allisoneischer@meltrotter.org.60 WWW.CITYGATENETWORK.ORG JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2025'