b'The size of your mission and the environmental threats your mission faces will guide you on what is required for a solid communication plan.function provides services crucial to theInformation technology security: Here, you incident response and how you will continuedocument all key contacts and providers performing these functions in a disaster. Youregarding information security and data will answer the following questions: Whatbackup contacts. During a disaster response, operations are necessary to fulfill legal andyou need this easily and readily available. financial obligations? Which are required toAlternate/temporary shelter location: Have maintain cash flow and reputation? You willyou ever considered what happens if your also explore and document two strategies forshelter is no longer accessible due to a disas-getting back to normal. These two strategiester? Where does everyone go? In this step, include procedures to restart operation afteryou look for qualified locations to support minimal disaster impact, and procedures toyour operation if needed. Remember that completely restore operations after signifi- the alternative location should be far enough cant disaster impact.away from your current location so that the Key supplies and contractors: Here, you willsame disaster does not impact it. At Mel identify all key suppliers and contractorsTrotter Ministries, our alternative locations critical to your everyday operation. This sec- are 1530 miles from our main campus. tion will also determine if your key suppliersStaff notification: This step outlines how and contractors have a disaster plan andstaff will be updated on the status of opera-how it would impact you. We discoveredtions, whether they should report to work, half of our suppliers and contractors did notwhat work conditions are like, alternative have a disaster plan, thus leaving us exposedwork sites and plans, and so on. if a disaster hit them. Consider how you would provide meals if your leading foodKey business contact notification: This supplier could not deliver or provide serv- step outlines how guests, vendors, and ices. What would you do, and who wouldother key partners should be regularly you call? You will discover more vulnerabili- updated. It identifies the process for how ties here than you would have thought.they will be notified.Computer inventory form: Your inventoryContinuity of management plan: In this step, here will list hardware, software, versions,you assume that not every key person will be serial numbers, purchase dates, and costs.readily available or physically at the facility If you needed to rebuild everything in yourafter an emergency. You outline ways to tech systems and computers, do you haveensure that recovery decisions are made a complete list of what it would take?without delay. It is wise to bring in a legal \x02 JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2025 WWW.CITYGATENETWORK.ORG 13'