b'Eric Burger serves as the CEO at ShelterKC (Kansas City, Missouri) and has worked at several different rescue missions over the last 38 years. He currently holds an atlarge position on the Citygate Network board. Partnerships help ShelterKC do what we do best.Renew guests also meet with staff and mentalFifty-eight percent of Renew guests have stayed health professionals to explore whether mentalhoused and connected to mental health services health services could be a fit. After 14 days, if theafter exiting. This is a significant improvement for guest is connected to mental health services, theyguests with mental health issues who used to be can join the Shelter Launch transitions programhere one day and gone the next. Falling through (individual rooms) while connecting to housingthe cracks was often the outcome in the past. and assisted living. They can also join ShelterIt takes a multi-disciplined staff to serve those KCs recovery program, C-COR (Christianwith mental health issues. Here is the team struc-Community of Recovery).ture at Shelter KC:Frontline coach. This staff member facilitates Crucial Questions all intakes to Shelter KC, screening guests to determine who would be a good fit for the Renew Center. This screening can include Considerations for adding mental healthmental health history or behavioral indicators services to your programming that staff are trained to observe. Is your mission proactive toward those with mental health Certified Christian mental health coach issues, or reactive?(CCMHC). This staff member coordinates care for guests, manages the day-to-day operations Are there community mental health organizations that areof the shelter, is responsible for spiritual needs, not connecting with homeless due the fact that they aredevelops community in the group, and supports not embedded in a rescue mission where the mentally illpartner organizations. homeless can feel safe? Can your mission provide a less crowded space to house Certified peer specialist. This staff member this population?has shared life experience that supports the Do you have the ability to dedicate staff with the skills andCCMHC. They also develop a guests individual training to serve this population?wellness recovery action plan (WRAP). These Communities are lookingplans help guests create wellness toolboxes, for someone to takeidentify triggers, create plans to cope with leadership in the crisisor deal with triggers, and develop support of the mentally illsystems with family, church, and others. homeless population.For more information on WRAP, visit Is that your mission?www.wellnessrecoveryactionplan.com.Mental health case managers. Provided by a local federally qualified health clinic, case managers start mental health assessments, 36 WWW.CITYGATENETWORK.ORG JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2025'