b'CONTENTSDAYTODAY Practical help with the operations and ministry of your organization continuedRIPPLES Fiveand Sometimes Six50Implementing a communications cadence for your boardby Penny Kievet PR TOOLKIT Weighing the AI options53Should you use artificial intelligence to write a press release? by Ami Neiberger, APR FULL PLATE Step of Faith54 Expand your professional and personal horizons in the new year by Barb Streeter FINDING FUNDSYour Most Loyal Supporters56 Increase giving through volunteer programs by Roy Jones, CFRE INSURANCE SOLUTIONS FEMA and Flood Coverage58 Protect resources during times of disasterby Jon Barron and James Dick ACROSS THE STREET Empower Guests for Success60Small practices that have a big impact by Allison EischerAD INDEX61 The magazine of Citygate NetworkGATEPOSTS 62January/February 2025Citygate Network News and EventsVolume 39, Number 1INSTIGATE Publisher: Tom De VriesEditorinChief: Bethany Wininger Managing Editor: Holly Johnson Staff Writer: Alice Rodriguez Advertising Manager: Sam Edwards Designer: Mike Hames Instigate (ISSN 26419041) is a bimonthly publication of Citygate Network. Published as a service to members, Editorial Assistant: Deborah Helmers it seeks to provide current, useful information about issues and subjects pertinent to those serving in rescue missions and kindred ministries. Citygate Network exists to provide the vision, education, training, resources,Phone: (719) 2668300guidance, representation, and nexus for missions and kindred ministries that are moving people in destituteFax: (719) 2668600 conditions or desperate situations from human suffering to human flourishing through the process of gospelpowered life transformation.Email: editor@citygatenetwork.org Instigate magazine welcomes contributions and comments. Please send photographs, queries, ideas for articles,Web: www.citygatenetwork.org feedback, and address changes to editor@citygatenetwork.org,or to Instigates editorial, advertising, and circulationPhotos: iStock, unless noted offices at Citygate Network, 2153 Chuckwagon Road, Suite 100, Colorado Springs, CO 80919.Printed in the USA All Scripture quotations taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION, unless otherwise noted.Copyright2025 by Citygate Network 5Copyright1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 Biblica. Used by permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers.'