b'James Sang Li, security advisor for Alexander Security and Protection, is a fourtime ISKA world champion in selfdefense. He has appeared in numerous films as a fight choreographer, stuntman, and weapons consultant. James has also appeared in multiple documentaries as a selfdefense expert and firearms instructor. His heart for protection comes from his love for God and his calling to protect Gods people, possessions, and property (1 Chronicles 9).Types of practice:ensures that your strategies remain effective drills and simulationsas new threats emerge. Drills: Schedule routine drills to simulateSecurity is a team effort, so training shouldnt be real-world scenarios. These may include:limited to leadership. All staff, volunteers, andFire drills: Test evacuation plans andparticipants should receive ongoing education on ensure everyone knows the safest andsecurity protocols. Keep training sessions simple, fastest routes out of the building.engaging, and relevant to your environment.Lockdown drills: Use Run, Hide, FightIn the end, security isnt just about checking protocols to prepare for threats like activeboxes or installing access control and cameras. Its shooters (see sidebar, right).about building a culture of safety. A safe environ-ment is not only physically safe; it creates peace ofWeather simulations: For missions ormind where everyone feels confident, prepared, shelters, practice procedures for inclementand protected. A strong security foundation, built weather events such as tornadoes, hurri- on the 3 Ps, ensures peace of mind for yourself, canes, or floods.your team, and the people you serve.Tabletop exercises: Conduct discussionsThe 3 Ps in action where key personnel walk through hypo- I magine a community shelter during a severe thetical scenarios step-by-step. Tabletopstorm. Thanks to a clear point Person, every-exercises help teams identify gaps in plansone knows who is leading the response. The and refine responses.shelters comprehensive Plan outlines evacuationCybersecurity simulations: Run cyber- routes, communication tools, and emergency security drills to test how well your teamsupplies. Because of regular Practice, staff and can respond to data breaches, phishingvolunteers execute their roles seamlessly, guiding attacks, or ransomware incidents.participants to safety without chaos or confusion. Continuous improvement:Security is not a one-time effort; its an ongoing review and refinecommitment. By designating a strong leader (Per-son), developing a robust road map (Plan), and Practice sessions are not just about checkingreinforcing it with consistent drills and training boxesthey are opportunities to learn and(Practice), you create a foundation that can improve. After each drill, conduct a reviewwithstand threats of many kinds. Whether youre to evaluate:protecting sensitive data, running a business, orWhat went well: Identify the strengths inmanaging a mission site, the 3 Ps offer a proven your response plan.framework for achieving security success.What needs improvement: Pinpoint areasStart building your security foundation today. where individuals struggled or whereYour proactive efforts will prevent potential protocols were unclear.disasters and provide lasting peace of mind for everyone who relies on you. Remember the 3 PsUse this feedback to refine and update yourPerson, Plan, and Practiceand take the next security plan. Continuous improvementstep toward a safer, more secure future. \x03 42 WWW.CITYGATENETWORK.ORG JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2025'