b'PR TOOLKITAmi Neiberger, APR Weighing the AI optionsShould you use artificial intelligence to write a press release?T he press release remains an important tool for media outreach and for assem-bling content for your website that is later populated to social media. Should you use an artificial intelligence (AI) tool like ChatGPT or another program to write a press release and speed up the process?After all, many staff and volunteers are stressed to find time to write publicity materials. Why not use a shortcut? A press release is used to announce something new, to share a leadership or staff change, or to promote an upcoming event.If you google Should I use artificial intelli- Heres the best strategy, in my opinion: Use AI gence (AI) to write a press release? you will get for what its intended to do.a bunch of links from AI vendors trying to sellUse AI for research, for finding ideas to write their services. about, and to analyze data and trends. But AI is While AI writing tools can be efficient andnot a replacement for a human being who writes. cost-effective, they lack a human touch. An AICollect this information, and then write up your tool, even one designed for writing, can quicklypress release, using a human touch. And if you analyze data and trends and do research for you.use interns or junior staff to write your materials, It can scrub the internet looking for the informa- make sure they know your thoughts on using AI tion you asked it to find. It can save you time inand what is allowed. research. You can ask it to write for search engineThere are some new AI tools on the market optimization. On occasion, it can even write athat will analyze your press release for grammar, passable headline or sub-headline.engagement, formatting, and readability (kind of But it lacks authenticity. Technology cannotlike the grammar and spelling checks commonly mimic the human voice or the emotional connec- found on computers), and these might be useful. tion that real humans write into real copy. Also,But they are no substitute for people doing work AI pulls from other content and can give you textthat touches humanity, writing about humanity.that is copyrighted by someone else, opening aAI can save you time, but it is not a press thorny legal and ethical wicket.release generator. \x03Ami Neiberger, APR, is a strategic communicator and media relations expert who owns Maple Avenue PR, an independent public relations practice that assists nonprofits, member organizations, government agencies, and small businesses. You can reach her at ami@mapleavenuepr.com.JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2025 WWW.CITYGATENETWORK.ORG 53'