b'Run. Hide. Fight.Three crucial principles for surviving an active shooter eventWhile I was writing the article on the 3 Ps, an activeLock or barricade doors. If you can get into a room, shooter situation unfortunately happened in mylock the door and use any available furniture or hometown. Active shooter events are terrifying andheavy objects to barricade it. unpredictable, but knowing how to respond canStay silent and keep calm. Turn off the lights and greatly improve your chances of survival. The Run.silence your phone. If you hide with others, remain Hide. Fight. program was developed by law enforce as quiet as possible to avoid attracting attention. ment with funding from the U.S. Department ofStay alert. Keep listening for any sounds of the Homeland Security. It is an effective, threestep roadshooters movement. If possible, communicate with map for individuals on how to navigate the criticalauthorities or others using text messages or apps, moments of an active shooter event. This approachas phone calls might give away your position. prioritizes safety by encouraging people to make quick decisions based on their immediate environment andFight.If confronted, defend yourself. available options.Fighting is the last resort, but if the shooter enters Run.The first priority is escape.your hiding place and you cannot escape, you may Running is always the preferred option if you can fleehave no choice but to defend yourself. While fighting the scene safely. In an active shooter situation, yourback can be dangerous, it can be the very thing first instinct should be to escape the threat as quicklythat saves your life. Heres how to respond if you as possible. Running away minimizes your exposure tomust fight: danger; the faster you move, the lower your chancesUse whatever you can. Anything can be a weapon, of being targeted and hurt. When escaping, remembersuch as chairs, fire extinguishers, or heavy objects. these key points:Aim for vulnerable areas. If you must engage, target Know the exits. Familiarize yourself with thethe shooters head, neck, or groin, where even a buildings layout or area. Identify the nearest exitsbrief strike can cause significant disruption. and escape routes.Stay aggressive and persistent. If youre able to act, Dont hesitate. If you hear gunshots or see signs ofdont hesitate. The longer the confrontation lasts, danger, dont wait to confirm details.the higher the risk to your life and that of others. Help others if possible. If you are with others,A determined effort to overpower the shooter, encourage them to run with you.even momentarily, may be enough to create an Keep low and move quickly. If running directly to anopportunity for escape. exit isnt possible, move toward areas that provideConclusion cover and concealment.Run. Hide. Fight. is a simple, yet effective response Hide.If you cant escape, seek shelter.that can help save lives. If possible, prioritize escape, If running is not an option, your next best choice is toseek shelter if not, and fight if you must. These stratehide. The goal is to put as much distance and as manygies can help minimize the potential for victimization. obstacles between you and the shooter as possible.Practicing and rehearsing in advance can better Hiding helps conceal you from view, making it lessprepare you for the unimaginable, potentially making likely that the shooter will target you. Consider theall the difference in an emergency. I encourage you following when hiding:to view and share the following video on surviving an active shooter with staff and Find a secure hiding place. Take cover behind solidappropriate volunteers. doors, large furniture, or other barriers that canRun. Hide. Fight. block the line of sight.youtu.be/5VcSwejU2D0 JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2025 WWW.CITYGATENETWORK.ORG 43'