b'A modern CRM is a musthave tool to track donor data, segment audiences, and engage supporters based on their specific interests and giving history. Technology offers rescue missions and lifemonthly support, or a disaster relief fund ear-transformation ministries the tools to fundraise,marked explicitly for emergencies. By making engage supporters, and mobilize resources fasterthe giving process as smooth and transparent as and more effectively than ever.possible, rescue missions can engage more donors When these tools are paired with a responsiveand minimize friction in the donation process. fundraising approach, rescue missions and ministries not only meet urgent needs duringLeveraging mobilefriendly giving disasters but also foster stronger, more lastingAccording to Charity Navigator, more than 50 relationships with supporters. Using tools likepercent of nonprofit web traffic and 33 percent online giving platforms, customer relationshipof online giving happen on mobile devices. management systems (CRMs), and volunteerOptimizing donation pages for mobile use allows management tools, ministries can stay agile anddonors to respond instantly. Ministries can boost attentive to their donors and those they serve.response rates by utilizing forms that load quickly, Responsive fundraising is a framework thatwork across devices, and provide one-click dona-centers the donor in every interaction, building per-tion options for returning donors. sonal connections and trust. With a modern CRM, missions can now deliver a donor-focused, person- Using CRMs to manage donor alized outreach without increasing staff or hoursrelationships and data of administrative work. Heres how to combine theDuring a crisis, supporter information must be right tools with responsive fundraising to improvemanaged effectively. A modern CRM is a must-disaster response and secure long-term support.have tool to track donor data, segment audiences, and engage supporters based on their specific inter-Online giving platforms for immediateests and giving history. This not only strengthens and customizable supportthe current donor database but helps acquire new When disaster strikes, time is of the essence. Onlinedonors by tracking engagement data, automating giving platforms facilitate donor mobilization andpersonalized follow-ups, and identifying potential provide real-time updates. Custom donation formssupporters through analytics-driven insights. and campaign pages enable missions to tell specific, timely stories, which in turn help donors feel con- Building strong donor segments nected to the urgency of the cause.Modern CRMs should also have the capability to categorize donors into segments based on behavior, Creating custom giving formsdonation history, location, and more. By segment-Personalized giving forms let donors choose howing donors, a mission can tailor communication they want to help. A responsive donation formand engagement. For instance, local donors might might allow options like one-time gifts, recurringreceive an invitation to volunteer, while national 46 WWW.CITYGATENETWORK.ORG JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2025'