b'PRACTICING SELFCAREHarvard Business Review offers a simplechecklist for selfcare:1. Body budget You have a budget of energy that is affected by diet, stress, exercise, and sleep. Score yourself and then look at ways to improve.2. Emotional health Two main areas significantly influence emotional health: the ability to regulate emotions and the ability to relax. Emotions can be high in energy consumption and often accompany you home if you dont manage them. The ability to relax allows you to return to work recharged and refreshed. 3. Relationships and collaboration We are a social species and need relationships and community. Collaborate with intention. 4. Choice points Research confirms that humans crave autonomy, which implies choice. Almost everything involves an element of choice. Be intentional about whether your decisions are based on your goals and values.5. Growth and nourishment Neuroscience indicates that learning improves our brains neuroplasticity, reshaping its structure and developing its functions. Creativity builds neural networks that stimulate and enhance the brain. What would it feel like if you allocated time each week to something that nourishes you? JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2025 WWW.CITYGATENETWORK.ORG 51'