b'Breck Ellison has over 20 years experience in the electronic and physical security sectors and presently serves as the director of operations for Knox Area Rescue Ministries in Knoxville, Tennessee. Our guests feel seen and heard due to having a guestcentered and solutionfocused, not rulesbased, approach. rules-based, approach. And for those increasinglyexposure; however, guards may not be properly rare times when things get more involved, we cantrained or aligned with the core mission and values call on local law enforcement to do the heavyof your organization. Choosing to hire a dedicated lifting instead of having security guards gostaff member(s) does bring budgetary concerns, hands-on with guests. but they are balanced with the ability to hire for the These three distinct approaches to safety eachspecific skill set you need and alignment with your have their drawbacks and merits, particularly whenmission and values. it comes to your organizations relationships withBy the grace of God, this third approach has your guests. Utilizing staff to handle security con- allowed KARM to see a traditionally rules-bound cerns may work for a short time and at a limiteddepartment turning into a center of welcome and scale, but as your organization grows this approachministry. And true to the departments purpose, presents substantial challenges and liability con- guests, staff, and volunteers are reporting they cerns. Hiring an outside contractor limits liabilityfeel safer than ever while on our campus. \x03JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2025 WWW.CITYGATENETWORK.ORG 31'