b'DAYTODAY FULL PLATEBarb StreeterStep of FaithExpand your professional and personal horizons in the new yearI t is 2025! Where has a quarter of a century(an annual training and networking event for gone? I have learned that it goes one year atfood-service industry professionals), I was intro-a time. Striving to improve each new year isduced to a company called Trust20. They offer an opportunity to reflect, learn, and evolve basedaccredited training programs, valuable resources, on past experiences. At Rescue Ministries ofand ongoing support with online courses, all of Mid-Michigan (R3M), we encourage our guestswhich are offered in multiple languages. to implementI decided to take a chance on this new way of new habits ortraining, and it has been wonderful. Not only has make signifi- it freed up time in my busy schedule, but it has cant lifealso been beneficial for our employees. We can adjustments onschedule a time for each of them to sit at a com-a daily basis,puter in our learning center, which allows them and to fosterto learn at a pace that best suits their ability a sense of pur- instead of in the high-pressure environment of pose by settingeveryone learning at a weekly group meeting. goals and work- The online dashboard that the Trust20 platform ing towardsprovides also allows me to check each employees a better versionprogress. The best part is that if circumstances of themselves.call for an interruption to the employees course-We also strivework, they can stop immediately and pick back in each department to identify areas for improve- up where they left off when able to resume.ment and set specific goals for the coming year.Our staff have fully embraced this new approach As the culinary director for R3M, I oversee alland find it to be an enjoyable experience. Individu-the training that takes place in our food-serviceals who were previously struggling pass the course departments. About 10 years ago I developedeasily. And receiving their certificate motivates our culinary vocational training for our programthem to continue challenging themselves in their Barb Streeter serves as thestudents. It was such a success that I began imple- professional development journey.Culinary Director for Rescuementing it with our food-service employees at ourAs we embark on the next 25 years, I encour-Ministries of MidMichigan (R3M)weekly meetings. As my role in the organizationage you to set an example to those you serve by and has been involved with R3Mgrew, it became difficult to consistently be avail- seeking out ways to continually mature in char-for nearly 30 years. For the past several years she has served as aable to present this training. In 2024, I beganacter, grow in capability, and honor Him in presenter at both district andresearching new ways to ensure consistent train- thought and action. Whatever you do, whether national Citygate Networking for an ever-changing staff with varying levelsin word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord conferences. She is passionate about helping other foodserviceof experience, skills, and development interests. Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through professionals by sharing resources,While attending a Gordon Food Service showhim (Colossians 3:17). \x03training, and her love of cooking. 54 WWW.CITYGATENETWORK.ORG JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2025'