b'LOVE AND COMMUNITY CULTIVATE HEALINGGregory Boyle has transformed thousands of lives through Homeboy Industries, the largest gangintervention program in the world. It runs on two principles: (1) Everyone is unshakably good and (2) we belong to each other. Boyle believes these two ideas allow us to cultivate a new way of seeing. A former gang member who now oversees the programs housing division puts it plainly: Here, love is our lens. In Cherished Belong-ing: The Healing Power of Love in Divided Times (Avid Reader Press), Boyle points to Christianitys origins as a way of lifenot a set of beliefs. His vision of community isnt just a space for an individual to heal, but for people to heal each other. LIVING A KINGDOMFOCUSED LIFEDrawing from his extensive teachings on spiritual formation, Dallas Willard illuminates the timeless wisdom contained within each of Jesuss parables, revealing their profound relevance to contemporary life. The Scandal of the Kingdom: How the Parables of Jesus Revolutionize Life with God (Zondervan) is a call to action. Willard challenges listeners to move beyond passive acceptance of comfortable dogmas and actively engage with the values of the Kingdom. He reminds us that the Kingdom is not some distant future destination, but a present reality that calls us to live with a purpose and intentionality in the here and now. Through insightful analysis and practical wisdom, Willard empowers readers to embody the radical love, compassion, and justice exemplified in Jesuss parables.JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2025 WWW.CITYGATENETWORK.ORG 55'