b'DAYTODAY INSURANCE SOLUTIONSJon Barron and James DickFEMA and Flood CoverageProtect resources during times of disasterW ere so thankful to hear of Citygateporous materials (e.g., cloth, drywall, insulation, Networks support of those whoflexible HVAC duct work, and more) must be have experienced significant loss discarded. This is because flood waters are usually in Helenes wake. The support and generositypolluted by chemicals, farm runoff, and sewer demonstrate a growing commitment tooverflow. Then the remaining hard surfaces work together. Every year, at least a couple(concrete, wood studs) need to be sanitized.of our members experience damages thatA realistic plan is to insure at least 25 percent are not fully insuredlike flood damages.of all buildings. According to NFIP, most flood-And it seems like every year or two, thereremediation costs equal about 25 percent of the are significant floods in areas that neverbuildings value. However, just like most property had a flood before. damage claims, when the damages exceed 50 per-Floods in a valley are becoming morecent, the claim automatically moves to 100-percent common, especially when a river-debrisloss because most building codes require full dam forms and the waters back up. Floods atdemolition due to significant damage rules.the base of hills that previously experiencedMost standard property insurance excludes a wildfire are becoming normal. Weve evenflood losses. We have been able to include some watched people on a hill experience flood- flood coverage in many of our policiesand ing. Its a strange concept, but sometimes theweve even negotiated increased limits for waters just cant run off fast enough. Citygate Network-accredited ministries. If youre FEMA and the National Flood Insur- wondering about cost, a $500,000 flood coverage ance Program (NFIP) never rule out thepolicy typically starts at $1,200 annually for chance of flood. Rather, they provide probabilityresidential buildings.of flood in terms of years. And these days, we keepInsuring your Business Personal Property seeing thousand-year floods. According to NFIP,(a.k.a. contents, or the stuff that is not bolted a flood is a temporary condition where two orto the building) is fairly simple. This can be Photo courtesy of Western Carolina Rescue Ministries more properties or two or more acres of normallyincluded in most flood insurance policies.dry land are inundated by water or mudflow.Extra expense coverage allows a ministry to Jon Barron and James DickThis includes overflow of inland or tidal waters.continue operations by renting a portable kitchen serve as national directors of However, this also means that a broken water pipeor even housing residents in temporary quarters. the Citygate Network Endorsedin your building would not qualify as a flood. This is less commonly considered, and not available Insurance Program, administered by our contract partner,Floodwaters usually cause more damage thanthrough NFIP-backed policies. However, many Gallagher. More information isa broken water pipe, partly due to the extent ofministry leaders have shared that disasters often available for members throughpenetration. When construction materials get wet,move people to take extra measures to serve their the Insurance Section of Citygate Networks Contractmold and mildew begin growing within 72 hours.neighbors, going above and beyond to help one Partners web page, www.cityOne often-unforeseen consequence is that allanother through these times of crisis. \x03gatenetwork.org/insurance.58 WWW.CITYGATENETWORK.ORG JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024'